Race Hustlers Part III - Holy Hotepery! (still dr. umar)

Thursday, January 21st 2021 | 01:03:15

Last week we looked at the claims and credentials of Dr. Umar Johnson–the Prince of Pan-Afrikanism, Frederick Douglass' great grand cousin, and blood relative of Ramses the II (according to a spiritual medium), etcetera, etcetera. Today we reflect on his influence and impact.

Thanks to Mojak Lehoko for his thoughts for this episode.

Huge thanks to Ebony Chappel–@ebonythewriter on social–for such a wonderful, thoughtful interview.

Thanks to Lisa Kelly-Vance for helping us understand school psychology. Shout out to all the school psychologists for being awesome!

Lastly, special thanks to YT's Make A Change, Lenon Honor, King Kong Crazy, Ms. Lauren, Anti Afro Svengalis, the "Dr. Umar is a Fraud" facebook group, and all the other folks on YT and social media who have been diligently documenting Dr. Umar's nonsense for years and years. You made this mini-series possible!

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  • The Last Podcast Network