Jen Shah Pt II - Shah-rrested!

Tuesday, September 5th 2023 | 01:11:29
We’re back to finish off the story of Jen Shah. In this episode, comedian and Emmy-nominated TV writer, Rae Sanni, serves as our Real Housewives expert helping us dig into Jen’s time on the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. Jen Shah is nothing if not ambitious, she chose to be on national TV while actively running a telemarketing scheme that targeted the elderly. She’s sick and twisted and at the end of the day that’s actually what reality TV is all about!! She wasn’t our most strategic fraudster– her time on the show allowed the feds to grow their case against her and she was famously arrested during the filming of Season 2, which actually makes for great reality TV (toxic!!!). We talk about how she’s doing in prison, and Rae helps us envision the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City’s future without Jen. Spoiler alert: with Jen in prison, it’ll be boring.
Show Contributors
  • Seena Ghaznavi
  • Justin Williams