Playboy Panel: The Drug Revolution Remix (Fraudsters Edition)

Tuesday, September 24th 2024 | 00:46:36
In this week’s episode, we bring to life a 1970 panel discussion hosted by Playboy magazine, where key figures from law enforcement, academia, medicine, and counterculture clash over cannabis. The debate features Harry Anslinger (J-L Cauvin), William Burroughs (Jim Taylor), Baba Ram Dass (Grant Gordon), John Finlator (Holden McNeely), Joel Fort (Greg Carere), Alan Watts (Ryan Feyk), Joseph Oteri (Jack Stansbury), and our Playboy Moderator (Amber Nelson). They really get into it and address claims that cannabis causes psychosis, and talk through its religious significance, the spread of drug disinformation, and so much more. Alongside segments from the original Playboy conversation, Seena, Ariel, and Justin chime in with modern commentary, turns out this decades-old debate is still extremely relevant! Turn on, tune in, drop out!!
Show Contributors
  • Seena Ghaznavi
  • Justin Williams