Wayne LaPierre Season Finale Part IV - Interview with The Good Liars and the message they sent

Tuesday, July 5th 2022 | 00:53:00

Jason Selvig (@JasonSelvig) and Davram Stiefler (@davramdavram) join Seena and Justin to talk about their time at the NRA convention where Wayne LaPierre was reelected this year despite all...that...fraud. The series wraps without anything close to a happy ending because this episode is coming out the day after July 4th where there were multiple shootings around the country. And every time it happens, people like Wayne LaPierre and the NRA get stronger. Doing comedy around the Second Amendment and the NRA may feel tone-deafwhen, but it's how we deal with the grotesque violence of our country, and learning about the details gives us strength in the inevitable fight ahead. 


Jason Selvig: http://twitter.com/jasonselvig

Davram Stiefler: http://twitter.com/davramdavram


Show Contributors
  • Seena Ghaznavi
  • Justin Williams